Great game! Concepts introduced well and expanded slowly enough to make me feel clever
Recent community posts
Pent's Wacky, Zany Road Trip to Adulthood comments · Replied to Ferociter in Pent's Wacky, Zany Road Trip to Adulthood comments
Pent's Wacky, Zany Road Trip to Adulthood comments · Posted in Pent's Wacky, Zany Road Trip to Adulthood comments
And done! Definitely worth the effort to 100%.
Would have been handy to have a different button to bring up the photos rather than having to go into the pause menu every time but was minor annoyance.
Could do with a hit box projection for the car like in Lampyrid but not sure if that would remove a lot of the challenge.
Really enjoyed exploring the world and solving the puzzles.
Pent's Wacky, Zany Road Trip to Adulthood comments · Replied to hygge in Pent's Wacky, Zany Road Trip to Adulthood comments
Pent's Wacky, Zany Road Trip to Adulthood comments · Replied to BiscuitBulldozer in Pent's Wacky, Zany Road Trip to Adulthood comments
Pent's Wacky, Zany Road Trip to Adulthood comments · Posted in Pent's Wacky, Zany Road Trip to Adulthood comments
In the maze for the plunger, you need to go outside the maze to complete it, but that path goes further as well. The extra paths also only seem to be accessible from one direction (i.e. if you're pressing left while going up you won't enter the secret path, but you can if you're pressing left while going down)
Cursed Travels: Below the Factory comments · Replied to clansing in Cursed Travels: Below the Factory comments
Cursed Travels: Below the Factory comments · Replied to Merl_7 in Cursed Travels: Below the Factory comments